Purpose and WHY of TOCEANS
There are 5 fabulous, fantastic, fulfilled, fruitful, and forward-thinking ladies in my life, that energized me to create this personal venture called TOCEANS. These 5 exceptional and empowering ladies have lots of lessons learned, unique ideas and life processes, that propel me to engage, teach and inspire Seedership in others, be a situational analyst coach, and support others to excel and shine.
From these ladies I learned inner strength, growth for understanding, making others shine, creating a positive ripple effect and exploring outcomes to help others find their centre.
These ladies are:
Mary Madeline
(mother of Jesus)

Mrs Elisabeth Dorother Babylove Taylor
(my late mum)
Mother Teresa
(Catholic Saint Catholic Nun)
Mrs, Elizabeth Felicia Fejabie Taylor
(my late grandmother)

Princess Diana Frances Spencer
(late Princess Diana, Princess of Wales)
My TOCEANS personal venture is an enlightenment to create:
My TOCEANS personal venture is enlightenment to create:

Connect your visions and concepts into reality. Advance your goals and intuitions into achievements. Nurture your thinking or thought processes into results. Remember every need, wants or need has an ego to feed.
- Growth Developments are key ingredient by your evidence of Life’s Lessons.
- Struggles are solved by your evidence of Life’s Learning.
- Problems are solved by your evidence of Life’s Wisdoms.
- Situations and Circumstances are key ingredients by your Life’s Journey
- The “Why in our Life“ is the evidence of Life Understood.
Are You Ready To Plant An Investment?
Remember it does not matter what stage you are at, think of it as a growth and improvement journey.